Learn Hearts Game Terminology

Learn Hearts Game Terminology

The Video Transcript:

Terms Used in Hearts.

We have several terms that are unique to Hearts, and included in that group of terms are terms like “backer,” which is a card that accompanies the Queen of Spades, a low spade.

We have “cash,” which means that it’s cards that you lead to strip down suits like Aces and Kings. You have the Queen of Spades, of course, which we know is 13 points, and if those who haven’t played Hearts, you’ll certainly find out just how powerful the Queen is.

We have “dumping the Queen,” which means getting rid of it at first opportunity, also used for dumping of Hearts.

We have the finesse situation, which we talked about in Spades. Again, playing a card of a lower rank in an attempt to try to win a count of higher rank.

However, since you’re not really trying to win a lot of tricks in Hearts, that can be a very tricky move. I mean tricky play. I just said way too much.

The term “moon” or “shooting the moon” or “running it” or “taking them all” means taking all 13 Hearts and the Queen of Spades in the same hand.

Each Heart in the game of Hearts counts as one point; the Queen counts as 13.

We have getting the low man, aiming on the low man.

We always try to get to play with a low score because the object, of course, is to get the lowest score.

We have “pushing the card,” pushing the Queen, you know, leading Spades, we have stripping down suits, and of course, we have breaking Hearts, meaning that Hearts can be thrown when it’s perfectly legal to do so.

So again, all of these terms in the glossary of terms are unique to the game of Hearts, but also they have applications to other card games, like the Moon. There’s no Moon in other card games, but certainly breaking and leading suits is.