The Queen of Spades in Hearts

The Queen of Spades in Hearts

The Video Transcript:

Well, we’re back at courtside here, Queen of Spades and the power of the mighty queen.

The queen has a point value of thirteen. This is half of the number of points that go out in every hand.

In addition to that, she’s a very powerful weapon and can be used to equalize the game or to aim for the low player, maybe help you shoot the moon and what have you.

However, she can also hurt you because if you’re not careful, you will wind up taking her and thirteen points that go along with it.

And as I said before, the value of the game is one hundred points. So when the queen is worth thirteen, you’re at about a seven or an eight, somewhere in between of the value of the points of the game.

Now the queen is best kept in your hand when you have sufficient backers or what we call support cards. For example, at least four others. It doesn’t matter what they are, the higher the better, but that should hold up against most distributions of the spade suit.

Why is that?

Because people don’t usually pass lower spades and if they don’t pass lower spades, then the queen, the lower cards will be spread out among the entire three people, but the purpose of the queen of spades in Hearts is to give the holder of this card power to place her wherever she wants, provided that they’re skilled.

Some people just, when they get the queen, they just throw it when they get the first chance. That’s not always good play because you don’t want to knock the high person out if you’re second high. So again, remember, this is a powerful card and we’ll cover the next segment about why you should manage this card very carefully.